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2022 [ Toronto ]




Electoral Reform
Ranked Ballots



Dave Meslin



Rules Change


1. Maximum two terms in office.
It’s unfortunate to have councillors holding office for almost
3 decades.

2. No election campaigning for Mayors, Councillors and
Trustees currently in office.

Four years in office is long enough to become known to

3. Candidates should be allowed and encouraged to begin
their campaigns as early as the day following an election.

Last minute candidates cause damage rather than help the
democratic process.

4. Agreeing to lower salaries should be allowed and used
as a strategy.

It is unacceptable that mayors and councillors be paid
100,000 to more than 200,000 dollars when the poverty line
is around $20,000.

5. Proportional Presentation should be adopted.
Presenting more than 100.000 residents with number of votes less
than 7% of them is not democratic.

6. Permanent residents should be allowed to vote.
Living, working and paying taxes in our city and not being
allowed to vote is discrimination.








1- Name Recognitions
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_recognition

2- Incumbency effect
- The incumbency effect: the psychology behind why safe-seats are ‘safe’

WATCH | CBC Toronto breaks down why incumbents have such a huge advantage in local elections:

3- Ballots Advantages
- How your last name could cost you an election
- Being the First Name on the Ballot Has a Huge Effect

4- Benefits of Ranked Ballots     Video

5- Endorsements-  John Tory Video 2022    Ali Ehasassi Video 2022

6- Campaigns - Field work
  - Door to Door: 1- Persuade to vote 2- Remind to turn out 3- Just to inform
  - Phone Calls
  - Direct Mail
  - Social Media
  - Media
  - Signs
  - Canvassing Friends

7- Partisanship

A minority governing the majority (Male - White - Anglo-Saxon)

9- Radicalism

10- Populism

11- Votes Splitting

If Canada had proportional representation: Dave Meslin shows with Lego - Video

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